Generative Research | Wireframing | Usability Testing | High-fidelity Mockups & Prototype

Eligibility Checker for Blood Donors

01: Delivered an interactive high-fidelity prototype for an innovative new feature that allows prospective donors to assess, and learn about, their eligibility to donate remotely seamlessly

02: New feature was presented to client’s executive team and was later adopted as a critical new feature of their nationwide operations on their website

03: In 2023 alone, the feature was used by 250,000+ blood donors nationwide

A leading blood bank in the Pacific Northwest sought our help, facing a shortage and aiming to recruit more long-term donors, especially from the growing ethnically Asian community. Bloodworks engaged our co-founding team (then working under the Young Leaders’ Program) and their team members for a targeted strategy.

See the Final Product


Major Outcomes

The Process

To identify the right approach to address the needs and design the right tools and processes, we used the user-centered design process throughout the project. We started the process by identifying our guiding question. Upon coalescing all the information shared with us and aligning our project goals and strategy, we came up with the design question of:

“How can we raise awareness around blood donation in the college student population and encourage donations in the Chinese Community?”


Background Research

We performed a series of analysis to identify pain points and assess the current state of the organization covering internal processes, marketing approaches, and other internal and external factors that directly, and indirectly, impacts the ability to recruit and retain blood donors from the target demographic group. We summarized two main insights:

01: The company lacks brand awareness and donor diversity

02: Current resources are not intended for new donors


User research

Then, we conducted surveys and interviews involving the target demographic (ethnically Chinese ages 18 to 35 who reside in the Greater Seattle area) to gather insights on their perception on blood donation and to understand factors that impacted their decision to donate blood.

01: Highest voted reasons for not donating blood are “not eligible due to status” (32.6%), “no time to donate” (32.6%), & “security/trust concerns” (26.1%)

02: 77.8% were unsure about their eligibility



Triangulating the insights gathered from our research, we formulated two main design requirements to guide us through the ideation process.

01: Educate the blood donation process at Bloodworks Northwest

02: Address uncertainty about donor eligibility

The team also decided to focus on designing a mobile version to improve accessibility and mobility of the product. With the requirements aligned, we then each produced our ideas for the product through sketches.



We then synthesized our sketches to product low-fidelity wireframes, which helped map out the overall flow for our product.


Usability Testing

With the wireframes created, we wanted to understand how users thought about our concept. So we conducted usability testing sessions with users to uncover insights and recommendations for improving our product.

01: Explain unfamiliar terms

02: Provide more detailed reasoning for the eligibility results

03: Improve terminology to be more descriptive


Hifi + Deployment

Upon refining the designs with the valuable user feedback. We then create a comprehensive set of high-fidelity mockups that we also converted into an interactive prototype. We also collaborated closely with our client over the past five years to ensure the deployment of our product was successful and up to quality standard.

The Final Product

Below is a display of the key functions of our proposed product using high-fidelity mockups delivered to our client.


The first screen communicates the importance and impact of blood donation. This intends to educate our users about the power of blood donation and encourage them to contribute to the cause.


This screener page collects basic profile information about the user, such as age, gender, and weight, which can be used to filter out questions that are not applicable to the user. This feature would shorten/simplify the overall process.


The questionnaire includes a question about the country of travel within the past three years. This design addresses the concern that students were unsure about their eligibility due to their travels. The input country(s) will be assessed on its risk to Malaria, an important eligibility requirement for international students.


The questionnaire includes a question about the country of travel within the past three years. This design addresses the concern that students were unsure about their eligibility due to their travels. The input country(s) will be assessed on its risk to Malaria, an important eligibility requirement for international students.


Learn More

Due to privacy reasons, we unfortunately cannot share all the details about the project. If you would like to learn more and/or want to know how we can help you, please click the button below to reach us.